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Character Application

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Character Application

Fill out the form COMPLETELY and send it to me You should hear back within a few days!

Your name:
Personal Web Page:

Character Name:
Name Meaning:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Alignment: (Good or Evil)
Dominant Hand: (This will determine where your first rune shall be)
Rune: (You will start out with only one Rune, possibly 2 depending on your character. If you wish to create a custom rune, you must write a description of it and it's powers/history and have it ok'ed by me.)
Relationships: (Friends with anyone/In love with anyone)
History: (Talk about the characters history, how he got to where he is now, what his plans for the future are. You NEED to include a specific event that would make this character a "chosen one". It can be tragic, heroic, whatever, but it has to be interesting! This is a critical part of your character, make it count!)
Description: (A physical description if no picture can be presented.)

All Rune requests (both normal and True) must be ok'ed by me. If you wish to create an original Rune, then you must give a detaild description of it's power, how your character came to aquire this Rune, and where it originated.The profiles will be updated every so often. You need to have a picture that I can post on the page. If you can't find any or don't have the time (especially if you want an original character), just describe what your character should look like and I'll find one for ya. Hope to hear from you soon! Cya.